Showing posts with label Others. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Others. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2021

online sbi internet banking new users registration

online sbi internet banking new users registration
online sbi internet banking new users registration

If you are a state bank of India user then this is a post for you. Being an SBI customer you must create your own online SBI internet banking login.  After reading this post you are definitely know how to create an online login id. It is 24*7 service and access anytime & anywhere.

Why I register online for SBI?

Online SBI is an essential part of the state bank of India. if you want to access your SBI account online then you must go with the online SBI service by State Bank of India. It is the online banking portal for the state bank of India.

if you want to any changes to your bank account such as email change, mobile number change, to print account summary, and many more services then you must create your online SBI id. It's a free service by the State bank of India.

Process of registration on Online SBI?

1st search online SBI on google and click on Online SBI Feed Link.

Process of registration on Online SBI
Process of registration on Online SBI

2nd you are on the home screen of online SBI. you got two options one is personal banking ND another is corporate banking.  Click on Personal banking new user registration

Personal banking new user registration
Personal banking new user registration

3rd you enter the next button and then get an online form which you have to fill up with your original and correct data.
Required pieces of information: Account number, CIF No, Register mobile number, Branch code, select country,

Account number, CIF No, Register mobile number, Branch code, select country,
Account number, CIF No, Register mobile number, Branch code, select country, 

[NOTE] You got an option where you have to select your online banking facility, I suggest that you must select full Transaction rights views on this.

And verify with Captcha Code.

After that, you got an OTP (one-time-password) to your registered mobile number which will help you to go next on this. you have selected a strong password and user name. user name and login password must be required for your next login.

Tips: Your login password and profile password must be different.

That's it.

Friday, February 5, 2021

How to apply Assam Government Jobs and private Jobs Assam from home at affordable price at Only 50 Rs.

How to apply Assam Government Jobs and Private Jobs Assam from home at an affordable price at Only 50 Rs.

It's a simple process easy to use. I think it is very helpful to our job aspirants or job applicants in Assam. don't need to go anywhere. You Can apply for your dream jobs from your home at an affordable price only 50 Rs.
How to apply Assam Government Jobs and private Jobs Assam from home at affordable price at Only 50 Rs.
How to apply Assam Government Jobs and Private Jobs Assam from home at an affordable price at Only 50 Rs.

Job Lage Neki provides you with such amazing services in Assam. They could help you guys to apply for your dream jobs from home and also helps to make your own professional CV Or Bio-Data at an affordable price at only 30 Rs.

Here is the simple process of how can you apply for your dream jobs from your home. Don't need to go anywhere. Read Carefully before you go with ↡↡↡↡↡↡↡

  • Search Job Lage Neki on Google or other Browser.
  • Open Homepage and click on Apply Online Link.
  • Read the process carefully and send your proper documents to us.
  • After sending proper documents to send 50 Rs Via Google pay, UPI, Bank transfer to us.
  • Your Booking process is done.
  • You will get your Application ID, Acknowledge Letter to Your Mail and Whatsapp no.
How to make your own Professional CV or Bio-Data through us. Follow some simple process is given below ⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓

If you are not satisfied with your own making Resume, CV Or Bio-Data. Definitely We Will Help You To Make your Professional BIO-DATA
Follow Some Simple Process And Makes Your Own CV, Resume Or BIO-DATA
  1. Send your Credentials Or Details to us Via Mail Or Whatsapp.
  2. Make your final payment to us Via Google Pay, UPI, Bank Transfer.
  3. Customer Care Support.
  4. At the time of your CV Making You can touch with us Via Whatsapp and Calling. Our Members will take you.
How to apply Assam Government Jobs and private Jobs Assam from home at affordable price at Only 50 Rs.
How to apply Assam Government Jobs and Private Jobs Assam from home at an affordable price at Only 50 Rs.

This is a simple process to make your own professional CV from us.


VISIT JOB LAGE NEKI provides you with these two services at a low cost and easy to use. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Senior BJP Leader Susma Swaraj Passes Away At 67 Years Of Old- সুষমা স্বৰাজৰ মৃত্যু

সুষমা স্বৰাজৰ মৃত্যু
সুষমা স্বৰাজৰ মৃত্যু

This is really very sad news for India As well as Assam is  that Senior BJP Leader Susma Swaraj Passes Away At 67 Years Of Old

বিজেপিৰ জ্যেষ্ঠ নেত্রী তথা মোদী গভর্মেন্ট ৰ প্রথম কার্যকালৰ বিদেশ মন্ত্রী সুষমা স্বৰাজৰ মৃতু। 
হৃদযন্ত্রৰ ক্রিয়া বন্ধ হৈ যায় আৰু মৃত্যু বৰণ কৰে। 
দীর্ঘ দিন ধৰি অসুস্থ হৈছিল।  
চিকিৎসালয়লৈ নিয়াৰ পথতে মৃত্যু হয়। 
ইন্দিৰা গান্ধীৰ পিছতে বিদেশ মন্ত্রণালয়ৰ দায়িত্ব লৈ ভাৰত বৰ্ষৰ দুতিও গৰাকী মহিলা ৰাজনীতিনিবিদ। 

১৯৯০ চনত তেওঁ প্রথমবাৰলৈ ৰাজ্য সভালৈ নির্বাচিত হৈছিল। 
১৯৯৬ চনত প্রথমবাৰলৈ লোকসভালৈ নির্বাচিত হৈছিল। 
১৯৯৮ চনত দিল্লীৰ মুখ্যমন্ত্ৰীৰ দায়িত্বত আছিল। 
৬৭ বছৰত মৃত্যু হয় নেত্রী গৰাকীৰ। 
সুষমা স্বৰাজৰ মৃত্যুত সমগ্র দেশৰ বাবে বৰ দুখৰ কাৰণ। 

সুষমা স্বৰাজৰ আত্মাৰ সদগতিৰ বাবে প্রার্থনা কৰিলো। 

Senior BJP Leader Susma Swaraj Passes Away At 67 Years Of Old
Senior BJP Leader Susma Swaraj Passes Away At 67 Years Of Old

Senior BJP Leader Susma Swaraj Passes Away At 67 Years Of Old


Sunday, April 28, 2019

Digital marketing services in assam

If you find your digital marketing services such as your business running through a digital platform, Social media marketing, pay per click (PPC), SEO, Google AdWords, Google analytics, Facebook marketing etc then this post for you. Read till the end and you will find your best digital marketing services in Assam.

In Assam, the concept of digital marketing is a baby born. many of our businessmen, entrepreneurs don't know what is the benefits of digital marketing and how it uses and make more money from their business or services.

Even, if ones try to operate a small business its can be wide through digital marketing. in digital marketing amount of investment and size of your business not matter. it just needs your interest to do something technical driven. 

Read if you are interested in digital marketing in Assam

Digital marketing service in assam
Digital marketing service in assam

Some digital marketing experts and students are ready to help you in this field. For grow your online business digital marketing helps you a lot. So go on them and develop your business ideas more with technology.

Some freelancer can also help for you proving such type of help if you want. but you pay more money for them because of a countable freelancer in Assam. So who knows such type of services they must be busy with his business or his own handlings.

Try own if you are able to handle and wants help from some digital marketing students or experts and intermediates or you can also take the course in digital marketing because learning does not end and it helps you more.

I also provide some helpful services in digital marketing. If you want to discuss your business marketing strategy then you can contact me at any time. I will definitely help you. 




Thursday, April 25, 2019

How to earn money from google adsense

Hey, guys, I am mt manab and today I discuss with you a very very important idea that is How to earn money from google Adsense in a simple and easy way. So let's read this post seriously and until the end.

First of all, we are getting to know what is Google Adsense and how Google Adsense works and how to earn money from Google Adsense with a simple process. Google Adsense is a service or product by world best and powerful company google which helps to monetise blogs or websites, youtube channel to all kinds of content creators in a proper way with no hesitation.

How to earn money from google adsense
How to earn money from google adsense 

There are several processes to earn money from Google Adsense. Among them, youtube and blog or website is the best way to earn online money to its content creators in a good way. 

Now let me discuss with you how we earn money from Google Adsense in a proper way. before we reading this topic I want to share with you important ideas or hints which will help you a lot to all of you guys. 

Blogging and youtubing is the best way to earn online money or money from google Adsense. So you have to start your own youtube channel and run of your own blogs or websites which will help someone who loves them and try to follow your own blogs or websites. This is the main king of online earnings. 

So you focused on them and try to solve them and after that, you are eligible to create of your own Google AdSense account and earn money from google adsense and linking your bank account to Google Adsense account.

how to create your youtube account - READ THIS 


ALSO READ - online earning genuine tips

Creating a Google Adsense account is a simple and easy process. you don't be serious on this topic but you are sure that I am able to run my own websites or blogs and my own youtube channel in a proper way because Google doesn't want to fake creativity and anyone can earn money from Google Adsense in a spamming way.


Thanks, guys.

See you soon with a new post.

Till then I am mt manab shining off.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Five small business ideas assam - Assam Digital Guide

Hey everyone what's up, today in this article we are going to discuss top 5 small business ideas in Assam. So read it and implement it in your daily life.

In Assam, many of our young educated peoples are trying to get their job after their formal education. Majority of them have joined some private companies and some of them are trying to get their dream job.

One serious problem is there in Assam, the unemployment problem. I think the problem of unemployment arises because of some serious factors. Among them, the unemployment problem is very closely associate with lack of proper education & Lack of proper knowledge.

In a meantime, Some of our young educated are trying to start their own business. But they are not a success only because of the lack of proper business ideas.  Start your own online business

I discuss some important business ideas which may have success and earn more revenue & profit in Assam. 

Five small business ideas assam - Assam Digital Guide
Five small business ideas Assam - Assam Digital Guide

1. T-Shirt printing: It is one of the most profitable business ideas in Assam. one can start their own t-shirt printing store and advertise among customers and earn more revenue. This may operate through online marketing. Check how can do online marketing 

2. Online Store: Online store makes more money in Assam. when you start your online store you serve your clients by helping them as a mentor, problem-solving guru. You help them to open their online accounts, pan card, Aadhar card, bank account, etc and charge some amount of money from them. 

3. Camera for rent: You can start your own studio and provide a camera for rent to your customers for their wedding & other occasions. 

4. Exchange Centre: You can start your own business with an exchange centre where some of old exchangeable products & Accessories are exchanging with some new products and sell them through a shop and take a profit as a middleman.

5. Marketing Agency: One of the important business ideas is that you can start your own marketing agency ties up with some of the companies and start advertising their products and give sell to them and earn your commission. You can advertise their products online through your social media handlings. If your social media handlings are not so good, you can help through facebook advertisement, Google Adwords, PPC etc.


These business ideas are totally practical and more revenue. you can start your own business with them and earn a greater revenue or profit. Above mentioned 5 business ideas are a minimum investment. 

Thanks for reading.
Happy earnings.

See you soon.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

How to find your right jobs in assam at - assam digital guide

Hello guys, In this post we are going to discuss how to find your best jobs & career option in the right way in Assam through Assam career. 

In Assam many of our students after 10th, 12th, they are searching for a new job & start their own career in a productive field. So its a greater need a platform to find their jobs & career options.

Assam career helps to find them various latest job updates in Assam and also provides them with such valuable information's on syllabus, books, guides, education in a better way.

All the government & private sector jobs notification in Assam firstly, available at assamcareer . Assam police, Assam Electricity Board, Water, Irrigation, ONGC,  etc jobs notifications are available here in recent time.

if you are a job seeker then go to google and search in Google search box and find all of your best jobs & career options in a minute. Also, you have an idea about syllabus, books etc.

How to find your right jobs in assam at - assam digital guide
How to find your right jobs in assam at - assam digital guide

And one important information I can provide you if you find more online helps such as what is digital marketing, How to make online money, affiliate marketing help in Assam, all private & government latest jobs syllabus, books and much more information's are available here in Assam Digital guide.  

For More information, you can search Assam career on google and check your queries.

Best Wishes!

Monday, February 11, 2019

How much does it cost to start a new blog or website - Assam Digital Guide

Hey peoples, Today we are going to clear one important doubt in our minds while creating a good blog that is How Much does it cost to start a blog or website.

If you start your own blog then one question definitely comes to your mind that how much money do you require while creating your own blog or website.

To make a blog or website you must take help from Google Blogger and other website creation company such as WordPress, Wix etc. For creating a website some important elements are available in the market. Some of the Domain, Hosting, Theme, Template, must be required while creating your own blog or website.

How much does it cost to start a new blog or website
How much does it cost to start a new blog or website

Through Google Blogger , when you try to create a blog or website you must be paid for your own domain name. Hosting and any others elements are available in free.  Blogger hosting is the strongest hosting all over the world. So if you create your blog on blogger unlimited storage capacity or hosting provided by Google. 

you can buy your own domain name through Godaddy, Namecheap, Bigrock, and many other domain name providers. Among them, Godaddy is the most trusted and easy to use.

On the other hand, if you create your blog or website through Wordpress, then you just paid some money than google blogger. in the present time many of our blogger or online marketer, businessman uses WordPress while creating their blog or website because Wordpress is very easy to handle and easy to operate and easy to customizable. 


Thou, it's your choice what you use while creating your own blog or website through your budget. It is your choice. 

Happy Blogging.

Thanks for reading

Thursday, January 31, 2019

How to become amazon affiliate in assam and earn online money

Hey everyone today we are going to discuss a serious topic, especially in Assam. In Assam, this is a new career opportunity to all of young and smart worker peoples in Assam. Amazon affiliate is a new career change to all of you guys. you can make an Amazon affiliate partner and promoting their products online and earns your referral money from your own customers.

Here is the full process of how to become an Amazon affiliate marketer and make a referrals commission from your business.

You all know that Amazon is one of the biggest and most profitable business online all over the world. So Amazon provides their business to all the interested peoples to grow their business online by promoting their products. Especially some social media influencer, digital marketer, and some local product expert doing well through Amazon affiliate partner. Now you have to earn more online referral money from Amazon and grow your business online. It is your time. Hope so you will be the best Amazon affiliate partner in the world.

Step to create an Amazon affiliate account and marketing your own products.

Step 1:- At first you have to search Amazon on google and redirect to the Amazon official website.

Step 2:- Scroll down to bottom and click on Become an affiliate / Make money with us and redirect to Amazon Associates Central official page and create your own affiliate account.

Step 3:- Search on your marketing products on amazon associate central account search box and generate your products link into a different style and promote your own channel and list on others platform.

Step 4:- you can check your earnings overview and summary of your affiliate account in amazon associates central page.

Step5:- you are all set and marketing your products and try to sell them and make your revenue online through amazon associates central account.


[Note] : Minimum 1000 Rs. must be crossed to transfer your payment to your bank account. So promote more demanded products to interested customers and make more earnings from Amazon affiliate programme.

Happy Earnings.

My Blogger Tricks © 2012.