Showing posts with label Aadhar card Assam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aadhar card Assam. Show all posts

Friday, July 16, 2021

আপোনাৰ পেন কাৰ্ডখন আধাৰৰ সৈতে কেনেদৰে লিংক কৰিব - Assam Digital Guide

আপোনাৰ পেন কাৰ্ডখন আধাৰৰ সৈতে কেনেদৰে লিংক কৰিব ?

আধাৰৰ সৈতে পেন কাৰ্ড লিংক কৰক

আপোনাৰ পেন কাৰ্ডখন আধাৰৰ সৈতে সংযোগ কৰাটো বাধ্যতামূলক কৰা হৈছে। যদি আপোনাৰ আধাৰ পেনৰ সৈতে সংযুক্ত নহয় তেন্তে আপোনাৰ আয়কৰ ৰিটাৰ্ণ প্ৰক্ৰিয়া কৰা নহ'ব। যদি আপুনি 50,000 টকা আৰু অধিক পৰিমাণৰ বেঙ্কিং লেনদেন কৰি আছে তেনেহ'লে আপোনাৰ পেনআধাৰৰ সৈতে সংযোগ কৰাটোও অপৰিহাৰ্য।

তথ্য প্ৰযুক্তি বিভাগৰ মতে, যদি আপুনি আপোনাৰ পেনআধাৰৰ সৈতে সংযোগ নকৰে, তেন্তে ই আয়কৰ আইনৰ ধাৰা-139 এএ-ৰ অধীনত অবৈধ হৈ পৰিব। আৰু এবাৰ এইটো অবৈধ হোৱাৰ পিছত, আপুনি আনকি অনলাইন আইটিআৰ দাখিল কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম নহ'ব আৰু আপোনাৰ কৰ ঘূৰাই দিয়াটো আৱদ্ধ হ'ব পাৰে। ইয়াৰ বাহিৰে, আপুনি কোনো বিত্তীয় লেনদেনত পেন ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম নহ'ব।

বিত্ত আৰু কৰ্পোৰেট পৰিক্ৰমা ৰাজ্যিক মন্ত্ৰী অনুৰাগ ঠাকুৰে তেওঁৰ টুইটাৰ হেণ্ডেলৰ জৰিয়তে কৰা ঘোষণা অনুসৰি, পেনক আধাৰৰ সৈতে সংযোগ কৰাৰ সময়সীমা ৩০ জুন, ২০২১ ৰ বৰ্তমানৰ সময়সীমাৰ পৰা ৩০ ছেপ্টেম্বৰ, ২০২১ লৈ তিনি মাহবৃদ্ধি কৰা হৈছে।

আধাৰৰ সৈতে পেন কাৰ্ড কেনেদৰে লিংক কৰিব?

পেন কাৰ্ডখন আধাৰ কাৰ্ডৰ সৈতে লিংক কৰাটো অতি সৰল আৰু আপুনি আপোনাৰ আধাৰ নম্বৰ টো দুটা উপায়ৰ যিকোনো এটাত পেনৰ সৈতে লিংক কৰিব পাৰে:

পদক্ষেপ 1: এছ.এম.এছ. সুবিধা ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা

পদক্ষেপ 2: ই-ফাইলিং পৰ্টেলত সুবিধা ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা

এছএমএছৰ জৰিয়তে আধাৰৰ সৈতে পেন কাৰ্ড কেনেদৰে লিংক কৰিব?

এছ.এম.এছ. প্ৰেৰণ কৰি পেনক আধাৰৰ সৈতে সংযোগ কৰিবলৈ, আপুনি তলত উল্লেখ কৰা পদক্ষেপবোৰ অনুসৰণ কৰিব লাগিব:

পদক্ষেপ 1: আপোনাৰ ম'বাইলত ইউআইডিপিএএন<12-অংকৰ আধাৰ><Space><10-অংকৰ পেন> টাইপ কৰক

পদক্ষেপ 2: ইয়াক 567678 বা 56161 লৈ প্ৰেৰণ কৰক

উদাহৰণ: ইউআইডিপিএএন 123456789123 এবিচিডিই1234এফ

আয়কৰ ই-ফাইলিং ৱেবছাইটৰ জৰিয়তে আধাৰৰ সৈতে পেন কাৰ্ড কেনেদৰে লিংক কৰিব?

আয়কৰ ই-ফাইলিং ৱেবছাইটৰ জৰিয়তে আপোনাৰ পেন কাৰ্ডখন আধাৰৰ সৈতে সংযোগ কৰাৰ প্ৰক্ৰিয়া ইয়াত দিয়া হৈছে

পদক্ষেপ 1: যাওক। 'আমাৰ সেৱা' টেবত উপনীত হ'বলৈ তললৈ স্ক্ৰ'ল কৰক।

পদক্ষেপ 2: "আধাৰ লিংক কৰক" বিকল্পত ক্লিক কৰক। এটা নতুন পৃষ্ঠা খোলা হ'ব।

পদক্ষেপ 3: আপোনাৰ নিম্নলিখিত প্ৰমাণপত্ৰপ্ৰবিষ্ট কৰক

# পেন;

# আধাৰ নং,

# আধাৰ কাৰ্ডত ঠিক নিৰ্ধাৰিত নাম আৰু

# ম'বাইল নম্বৰ

যদি আপোনাৰ আধাৰ কাৰ্ডত কেৱল জন্মৰ বছৰউল্লেখ কৰা হয়, তেন্তে "আধাৰ কাৰ্ডত মোৰ জন্মৰ মাত্ৰ বছৰ আছে" বুলি সোধা চেক বক্সটো বাছনি কৰক।

"মই মোৰ আধাৰৰ বিৱৰণ প্ৰমাণিত কৰিবলৈ সন্মত" বুলি কোৱা বাকচটোত টিক দিয়ক। আধাৰ সংযোগৰ বাবে আগবাঢ়িবলৈ এই চেক বক্সটো বাছনি কৰাটো বাধ্যতামূলক।

পদক্ষেপ 3: "লিংক আধাৰ" টেবত ক্লিক কৰক।

পদক্ষেপ 4: আপুনি আপোনাৰ ম'বাইল নম্বৰত 6-অংকৰ এককালীন পাছৱৰ্ড প্ৰাপ্ত কৰিব। আপোনাৰ স্ক্ৰীণত প্ৰমাণীকৰণ পৃষ্ঠাত এই অ'টিপি প্ৰবিষ্ট কৰক। আপুনি ওটিপি প্ৰবিষ্ট কৰাৰ পিছত, 'বৈধতা' বুটামত ক্লিক কৰক।

আধাৰৰ সৈতে পেন কাৰ্ড লিংকৰ স্থিতি কেনেদৰে পৰীক্ষা কৰিব?

আপোনাৰ পেন কাৰ্ড সফলতাৰে আধাৰৰ সৈতে সংযুক্ত হৈছে নে নাই পৰীক্ষা কৰাৰ বাবে ইয়াত মুখ্য পদক্ষেপবোৰ আছে।

পদক্ষেপ 1: আয়কৰ বিভাগৰ অফিচিয়েল ৱেবছাইট চাওক আৰু আধাৰ স্থিতিলৈ যাওক বা লিংকত ক্লিক কৰক।

পদক্ষেপ 2: আপোনাৰ পেন আৰু আধাৰ নম্বৰ প্ৰবিষ্ট কৰক।

পদক্ষেপ 3: পৰৱৰ্তী ক্লিক 'লিংক আধাৰ স্থিতি' ত ক্লিক কৰক।

পদক্ষেপ 4: যদি ইয়াক ইতিমধ্যে লিংক কৰা হৈছিল, এটা বাৰ্তা পপ আপ কৰা হ'ব - "আপোনাৰ পেন <XXxxxxxxxxXX>আধাৰ নম্বৰ <এক্সএক্সএক্সএক্স এক্সৰ> সৈতে লিংক কৰা হৈছে>"

পেনৰ গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ ৱেব-লিংক – আধাৰ লিংক




Thursday, December 17, 2020

How to apply Aadhar Card in assam from your home.

 How to Apply for Aadhar Card in Assam from your home

Aadhar card apply in assam

If you don't get your Aadhar Card yet, then don't worry about that

Assam Government has taken action regarding this matter in a very serious way.

You can apply online your aadhar card from your home in a very easy way.

You don't have to visit any aadhar enrolment centre of your locality.

You can apply your aadhar card through your personal email address.

To apply for your aadhar card, you have to send a mail to the goverment email address.

You have don't get any response after sending your mail.

When your aadhar card is initiated by the government, then you have received a mobile confirmation from the aadhar authority on your registered mobile number.

To apply your aadhar card in this method you must have your NRC ARN No (Bio-metric verified).


Mail Address:

Letter Address: the deputy secretary. Home and political dept. Govt. of Assam.Janata Bhawan, CM block, 3rd Floor, Dispur, Guwahati-6. 

Official notification

Sunday, September 16, 2018

How to apply Aadhar card instantly in assam

Hey Guys how are you? Hope you are fine. Today in this article of my website Assam Digital Guide We are going to discuss how to apply an Aadhar card instantly in Assam. If you want to get your Aadhar card immediately in Assam thou you are in a proper place. Here you are getting ideas on how to get an Aadhar card instantly in Assam.

After reading this post you are getting ideas on how to apply for an Aadhar card instantly in anywhere in Assam. First of all, we all know that the full process of Aadhar card in Assam is not starting completely. Somewhere of the state, the Aadhar Card opening centre may have somewhere may not, But the full opening process in Assam is not happening Completly. Here we go and discuss all these ideas and get an Aadhar card instantly in Assam because we all know that anyone can't get an Aadhar card in Assam because Aadhar card is not open for each and every citizen of Assam because of unknown reasons only Assam government know it. So after following these ideas, you can instantly apply for an Aadhar card in Assam especially in Guwahati and many more cities of Assam.

How to apply Aadhar card instantly in assam
How to apply Aadhar card instantly in assam

First of all, we are going to discuss about what is the importance of an Aadhar card of a citizen. Some of these below points is very important for each and every person of India as well as Assam.
  • An Aadhar card is very important for each and every person in India because now Aadhar card is considered the most important document by our government.

  • The issuing authority of an Aadhar card is UIDAI Which stands for Unique Identification department Of India.

  • An Aadhar card is the most trustable residential document for each and every person in India.

  • An Aadhar Card is mandatory to all the banking and financial transactions as well as official works.

  • An Aadhar Card is also mandatory for such an important sector such as banking, Finance, Insurance, medical, higher education etc.

  • It is mandatory to Mobile Wallets for safe and Limitless transactions via mobile wallets such as PAYTM, PHONE PAY, MOBIQUICK Etc.

  • An Aadhar Card is required to apply for an international VISA & PASSPORT.
Those are such an example of the importance of an Aadhar Card in India and any others state of India including Assam.

We can get ideas what are the importance of an Aadhar Card. Now we are coming our main objective which is how we get an Aadhar card instantly in Assam. This idea is very important because many of my friends I also follow those tips while applying for an Aadhar card in Assam.

First, you can connect with any government officials and go through him and instantly apply for an Aadhar card in Assam.
Secondly, you can go for applying for an Aadhar card through anyone who of your friends as well as cousins with proper aadhar card knowledge.
Thirdly you can go through an Aadhar Card official while applying for an Aadhar Card in Assam.
Fourth some of banks branch of Assam such as some state bank branch and many private bank branches provide an Aadhar card in Assam with opening a savings bank account on them. 

Five you can also visit Aadhar Card Official website for more details on how to get an Aadhar card in India as well as Assam.

Conclusion: With this article, we all get ideas on how to apply for an Aadhar card in Assam instantly and also we discussed what is the importance of an Aadhar Card Holder in Assam. So read this article until the end and apply instantly of an Aadhar card in Assam.Thanks a lot to all.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Aadhar Card Assam Latest Updates today

Welcome to Assam Digital Guide'''''

Adhar Card in Assam is going to start after the publishing of final draft of NRC Assam. So let us discuss about Aadhar Card Latest updates today.

Aadhar Card Assam Latest Updates today
Aadhar Card Assam Latest Updates today

Today in this blog we are going to discuss Adhar Card Process in Assam. About Aadhar card and its registration process, all peoples of Assam have doubt in their mind when the full registration process of Adhar card will happens in assam. One  doubt  i can clear all of you that the adhar card registration process in Assam is going to start within a short period of time.

We all know  that  the process of  NRC Assam was very serious at the present time in assam. All the government officials and peoples of assam are busy to submit their all testimonials and documents to register their National Register Of Citizenship Card. So in this case government of assam will not interest to the making of Adhar Card Process in Assam.

Now a very good news comes from us is that almost all procedures or step of a register of national citizenship of Assam is going to end. So there is some problems arise on the publishing of 2nd Draft NRC Assam.Such as some citizens name was not included in the final draft NRC, some peoples name was not correct.So  after the publishing of final draft,t NRC Assam government has decided to Conclude the national register of citizenship with a fruitful results.

Assam Goverment has decided to following three important process to  conclude the Final List of NRC Assam :-

See this three important process and we are going to discuss the full procedures of the register of Adhar Card in Assam. And a good news is that all the adhar card centre  of  adhar card in assam  is going to open  within a short period of time and  the  all process of adhar  card will be  concluded as soon as possible.

CORRECTION                              CLAIM                   OBJECTION

So don't worry about it that the full process of adhar card is going to start within a short time in assam. All peoples of Assam are waiting for the adhar card process in assam because at the present time adhar card is mandatory of all the fields such as banking insurance health government officials etc.

In Assam, some of adhar card center was open with some banks a few month ago. But in this process, only some of the minimum numbers of peoples are covered due to this. But i  am  sure that now it is not happens because NRC Assam process almost going to end and the government gives interest to the making of adhar card in Assam recently. So wait and see when the full process of adhar card will started in Assam.

Note :- This is my own opinion and own data with my interest and knowledge. There is no relate to any others persons view upon this. This is my own expectations and belief.

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